The Authentic Home
There’s no place like home, right? We’re always looking to put our stamp on our home, make it that little bit more ‘us’. From the little touches that reflect your life and travels to the colours that speak to us personally, it’s all part of your unique patchwork. It’s yours. It’s home.
More than just ‘stuff’, it says something about who you are and how you live. It’s in the little touches, like photos of special moments, or meaningful purchases, that can really give your home that special and authentic feeling. But what happens when it’s time to sell?
Buyers have a very different mindset to guests coming over for a winter hotpot and a glass of wine. They’re projecting their lives onto a prospective home. Can they see themselves living there? What would it be like? That’s why many vendors take a clear & style approach.
A clear & style approach is where you take out the bulk of your furnishings and possessions, (sometimes that means everything!) put it in storage and get the stylist in. This approach isn’t for everyone, but there can be some major advantages. The main plus is that a clean slate means buyers can easily visualise living there, making your sale that much easier. It can also be a relief to hand the job of refurnishing over to the professionals. A stylist will have lots of great ideas and fresh perspectives that can help your home stand out.
On the other hand, it can be a little daunting removing so much from the house – particularly when you’re still living in it! It’s also true that your home’s story and sense of authenticity can be a valuable thing when used correctly. A hybrid approach of incorporating some of your furnishings and personal items mixed with a stylist’s keen visual sense can be a really powerful approach. By weaving carefully selected items that you love into the staging of the property you can help tell your home’s story. It gives a sense of authenticity and warmth that can serve to lift a home. Maybe it’s an attractive musical instrument, a rug, a favourite ceramic pot. Through de-cluttering, a simple item can come to life and hint that your home has seen wonderful times and provided a backdrop to warm memories.
But don’t over-do it!
A home that’s full of personal items and furnishings can be too much for some buyers. Maybe you bought a lot of lovely dark furniture back when it was trendy? Or you’re in love with your chartreuse lounge? Add to this your artwork, books, a lifetime collection of CDs and DVDs and suddenly it’s easy to see you, but not so easy to see the house. Try paring it right back and keeping just those key special things – the ones that truly reflect you – without deterring your potential buyers. Save your chartreuse lounge for your new home. It’s going to look amazing.
(Image tile via Bowerbird Interiors)